Entrapeneurship Methodologies

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– Metamorphing Into the High Energy Capitalist Businessman & Predator vs. Prey Mentalities –

It is often said that Capitalism is supposed to bring out the maximum potential out of people, in it’s design made to revolve around human nature and instinct, and that it is supposed to reward the brightest and best. Yet millions of people living in Capitalist countries often see this as a blatant lie, or at least a betrayal. Why am I not being rewarded for my efforts and my intellectual prowess? They would ask themselves why people less qualified and obviously dumber and less well meaning than them get rewarded and seem to be luckier in life. Is this justice? Is the system flawed?

But the reality is not that simple. When we think of Capitalism we think of the free market. When we think of the free market we think of the salesman, who is high energy, aggressive and tends to constantly prey on potential leads, and we wonder how he stays motivated. How does one metamorph into somebody so high energy, with such motivation, and such improvisational abilities as to be able to constantly smooth talk people and create something from nothing? In the end it all comes down to practice. Not caring what people think will break you free of your inhibitions, and make the numbers game a lot easier.