Ethical/Moral Methodologies

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– How to Conjure Ethical Conceptualizations & Insert Ethical Reasoning to Create Ethical Frameworks –

Ethical concepts and reasoning are centered around what humans find pleasurable and dis-pleasurable. Over time we have developed to think and feel in a way which we find sympathetic to our own needs and wants, as well as empathetic towards those of others. This is what being civilized means to us. We also through experience tend to add ethical reasoning, frameworks and guidelines to many human endeavors, once we have developed these endeavors and organized them, since people who are in charge tend to see the absence of any responsibility or any notion of there supposed to be some set of ethical principles to adhere by, and abuse them.

We can add ethics to virtually anything. From the Hippocratic Oath to even accounting, there are ethical guidelines that have been inserted and that dictate how to properly conduct many things, fundamentally changing them and limiting what dishonorable games you could play to gain an edge. So how do we insert ethical guidelines into almost anything?