Foundations of Methodological Designs

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The foundation of methodological designs, or the basis, is generally highly subjective to the field of study, activity or discipline itself. But at it’s core, each methodology is based on the limitations of the animal or human being’s design, our five senses, limbs we use to interact with reality around us, our brain’s capacity to process information, the laws of physics applicable to our immediate environment and the technology that is available for us to interact with our environment.

Based off of this, we can use deductive reasoning, logical dichotomy, heuristics, critical thinking and abstract analysis to break down the 6 W’s of the method, system or approach itself in order to see how it functions anatomically and how it is interconnected. We can then organize or reorganize approaches to the specific subject at hand.

The result should be a more intermediate version of a methodology, contingency or scenario plan, and situational preparedness.

It is often said that prediction is the epitome of intelligence, the factor that determines someone or something’s level of intelligence, and it is a true statement. It is not just about precognition, but the ability to accurately assess something regardless of it’s position in time and space. If you can predict anything then you can essentially do anything.

“I predict that if I do this, this will happen” is a statement describing the knowledge associated with the machinations and functioning of the entire universe and all of reality.